Apple or Pear Juice NFC

Frupak Apple juice in a glass, surrounded by cut apples

Simply Pressed
Hawke's Bay Fruit

Frupak can offer apple or pear Juice NFC (Not from Concentrate) produced on site in our Hawke’s Bay juicing facility.

Our apple or pear juice is produced by simply pressing locally grown Hawkes Bay fresh fruit!

Frupak Apple Juice in a glass on a board of cut apples

just how you like it!

Juice can be made from conventional or organic apples and pears, and from single or mixed varieties. The team at Frupak pride themselves on running a flexible operation to meet your requirements.

Contract juicing is welcomed. We are happy to process your own fruit or we can use our own supply networks and source the apples and pears for you.

Product Specification Sheet:

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Frupak welcomes opportunities to contract process products for customers.

With a wealth of technical experience combined with a versatile processing operation. Contract processing opportunities are available across a full range of processed fruit products.

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