Apple Pie Mix

An Apple Pie made from our signature pie mix, cut up on a board with apples

A New Zealand

Frupak Apple Pie Mix has been our flagship product for decades.

It is specifically formulated for use in the preparation of apple pies and bakery products and is manufactured exclusively from Hawkes Bay grown Granny Smith apples.

An apple pie next to our apple pie mix

A no secret blend

Created by blending fresh, uncooked apple dices with hot fill apple puree to the ratio of 70% dice to 30% puree by weight. The high ratio of apple dices retains the natural apple flavour and texture. There is no added sugar. Due to the fresh apple component of this product preservative is added.

The product contains a maximum of 400 ppm Sulphur Dioxide and 800 ppm Sorbic Acid when packed.

Product Specification Sheet:

Other Products

A link to our Apple Juice NFC product pageA link to our Hot-Fill Puree product page

Frupak welcomes opportunities to contract process products for customers.

With a wealth of technical experience combined with a versatile processing operation. Contract processing opportunities are available across a full range of processed fruit products.

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